
Welcome on the submission platform for the SYNTHESIS PROJECTS

in response to the 2024 FRB-CESAB call for proposals

The call is closed: 5 pre-proposals have been selected

and their PIs invited to submit a full proposal.

Download the full text of the call for projects 

More information on FRB's website


  • Deadline for submission of pre-proposals: 2024/06/03 at 13:00 CEST 
  • Selection of pre-proposals and Invitation to submit a full proposal: 07/15/2024  
  • Deadline for submission of full proposals: 2024/09/30 at 13:00 CEST
  • Final selection: mid-December 2024


The FRB was created in 2008 and brings together public research organisations, environmental protection associations, space and biological resource managers and companies. The mission of the Foundation for Biodiversity Research is to support and act with research to increase and transfer knowledge on biodiversity. It is a focal point between science and society for the challenges facing biodiversity research today.

The CESAB (CEntre for Synthesis and Analysis of Biodiversity) was created in 2010 by the FRB to promote high-level research activities dedicated to the synthesis of ideas and data analysis in the field of biodiversity.

Located in Montpellier, CESAB provides a place and time for experts of all nationalities, to collaborate and capitalize on existing data to answer a major scientific question. CESAB supports groups of international experts who synthesize ideas, concepts and data to significantly advance the knowledge front on key questions posed at all spatial or temporal scales in the general thematic field of biodiversity. Members of the CESAB groups share their expertise and pool available data to answer these questions

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